Monday, October 12, 2009

Over 9,000 people on ED

Take a look at the website

It is one of the most consistently perverse, offensive, stupid, inane websites ever made, but it is designed and maintained in an erudite, careful way. Its perversion and obnoxiousness is rationalized by its thousands of readers by its sense of humor: anything and everything is fair ground for vulgar satire.

Encyclopedia Dramatica says a lot of stuff that isn't funny, because it goes way too far in belittling people who probably have very little to do with the readership or the authors (women, blacks, etc.). It would be much funnier if it didn't alienate huge segments of the population by being assholes to them, because then they could be involved with it. There is a difference between racy jokes and the resentful ill will betrayed by the commentary on blacks and women on ED. Too much of it is nearly devoid of humor, like this snarky little sub-article:

Apparently, if you're racist towards an African-American, you'll most likely lose your job and get involved in a lawsuit.

HOWEVER, if a nigger is racist towards a whitey, you can't do a damn thing about it, Obama is a perfect example of this hypocritical duality. But if you DO decide to, everyone will just say "Who gives a fuck?". Because no one really cares.

The commentary on women shows more resentment than ignorance. The authors have a bone to pick with women, and to shove down their throats. I remember this mentality from middle school: women are worthless, treat them like shit and you're on the right track. This is the idea of a vulnerable little boy, who too often never grows up and lives inside the mind of a middle-aged man. Vulnerable little boys, which are all little boys, feel like they've lost over a decade of their lives not fucking beautiful women. They feel like they're investing with debt when they enter the sexual arena, and it's women's fault for not fucking them thus far. And the less successful they are, the more resentful they get that women aren't taking pity on them, or if they are, that their pity does not lead to sex. And sometimes even if they do get laid, they're annoyed that this doesn't translate into a non-relationship with a slave who does your bidding because she's scared of being called a slut.

Resentful thought patterns lead young men away from women, and away from IRL (In Real Life) socializing in general, and toward the wonderful world of video games, computers, forums, anime, movies, popular culture, etc. The men who isolate themselves in this world engage in increasingly speculative conversation about women and blacks and whoever else is not part of their virtual world. This is why if the authors of ED left their rooms more often, listened to women, visited other neighborhoods, their site would be both funnier and more true to life.

I really hope that one of them reads this blog post and makes a page about how I'm a "fucktarded Jewfag." I haven't even started praising them yet.
If ED makes you smile or laugh, it is more than likely that you fall within a certain age group (15-30), race (white or asian), gender (male), and that you, at the very least, have nerd leanings. I pass these tests, so sometimes it does make me laugh. If it were narrowed down to a single maneuver, its funniest asset is its ability to produce, digest, and recycle memes, making them, in a few hours or days, into something truly grotesque and absurd. Here's a good example:

Oprah makes a statement about "9,000 penises" supposedly poised to rape your children. The irony-mongers at Encyclopedia Dramatica take it and run with it. This was for me a great example of semi-political commentary on their part: this is an example of Oprah being idiotic in the way that the mainstream media tends to be--overemphasizing irrelevant and often marginal dangers in order to get ratings--and ED recognized that and lampooned it.

This article is more controversial, and I didn't read it without wincing, but I also thought it was funny. I guess it's because, as a Jew, I think it's clear that there are too few Jew jokes today, which is a bad sign. Also I think a lot of contributors to ED are probably Jewish, and that's why Jew (like on South Park) becomes acceptable to joke about.

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